Our training in numbers...

years of experience
previously trained apprentices
countries of origin
success rate in %

Our School & Training

In 1990, we founded our training center. Thus, we became one of the first professional training courses for make-up artists to pioneer and develop a vocational training based on didactically processed learning content.

In 2002, the long sought after state recognition of the profession was finally approved and, associated with it, the state qualification from the Berlin Chamber of Commerce and Industry for our trainees. Our son also started working for the company in 2003 and took over the management in 2018. He has been running our family business ever since.

Makeupschool Germany | Hasso von Hugo

Our training

You will get a fully equipped workstation which is available for the entire 3-year training. The training to become a makeup artist is very material-intensive, which results in high costs. So that you can fully concentrate on your training, you do not need to calculate any additional costs.
You will receive a "supplies flat rate" from us, so the products you need for your training will be made available to you continuously and free of charge.

To achieve your ideas, you need makeup tools like wigs, hairpieces, straightening irons etc. To enable you to do your best work, we will provide you with our free and extensive rental service.

Practical part of the training
Theoretical part of the training
Working with hair, wigs and beards
Working with Makeup and SFX products

"Es gibt keine Bildungseinrichtung europaweit, wo man besser und umfangreicher ausgebildet wird, als an der Hasso von Hugo Maskenbildnerschule."

Barney Nikolic, internationaler Maskenbildner (u.a. für Harry Potter)



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Lützowstr. 105
10785 Berlin


Tel. +49 (0) 30 613 56 20


Monday – Friday
09:00 am – 05:30 pm

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